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World Investigative Network - Registration Application

Please allow for up to 48 hours for our staff to verify the information on your application.


Type *

Type of membership you are applying for.
---Only Select One---

Company *

Phone *

Enter your phone number


Street Address *

City *

State *

Postal Code *

If licensing is required where you operate from and you do not have a valid license, we cannot approve your registration.

Is licensing regulated where you operate? *

Are you required to have an investigators license in the state or territory?

Investigator License(s)

If licensing is required in your locality, please provide your license number(s) for verification.
By submitting my information I understand it will be reviewed by staff of the World Investigative Network and they have the right to accept of refuse my membership request for any reason. I further understand that submission of the information does not constitute a comprehensive background investigation of myself or my business. I am aware the information will be used to introduce myself and my business to the staff at the World Investigative Network and to assist them in granting me access to the networking platform.


 After registration you will receive an email confirmation with a link to set a new password