We connect you to qualified, professional investigators for the type of assignment you have.

We have many years of experience working with investigators and consumers, and understand retaining an investigator can have it’s challenges since in many cases, the reason you need to hire one is to find the truth in a sensitive situation.

In case you where wondering . . .

Investigators listed on this site are licensed to perform investigative work if it is required in their locality.

The nature of investigative work requires strict standards of confidentiality, and our investigators are very discreet in all matters.  This website does not store or share your information.

Licensed investigators are granted access to many sources of information not available to the general public.  Whether you need information on a subject in the United States or elsewhere, it’s a good chance they have access to information, worldwide.

If not, you may be able to locate an agency in the locality of your inquiry in our directory.

In any industry, professionalism is a must and we hold our members to a very high standard of professional conduct.  There is a review section attached to every listing on this site for your comments and rating of members you have interacted with.

Our members are licensed agencies, and to qualify for a license in most states, an investigator has had to go through extensive training and work for a licensed investigator before qualifying to apply for licensure.

For the above reason, many of our members gained their experience working for local law enforcement agencies, statewide and federal law enforcement.  This assures you, the investigator you select will have a strong grasp of the laws in their area of expertise and also have developed relationships with other investigators they can all upon to assist when needed.