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Features to build, sell & grow

We never ask for referral fees or a percentage of the sales you earn from clients connecting with you on our site.


We use unique, custom-built tools to give you the edge

Brand strategy is built on a platform of differentiation, where a company can use its value prop to create competitive advantages and satisfy customer needs. The key to long-term success is using brand strategy to define your market position in order to create market share and revenue growth.

For the past thirty years investigators have taken an almost identical approach to brand design and direction.  You could analyze hundreds of investigative websites and see almost identical design elements, wording and graphics.  It’s time for change and we are here to help.

The days of the Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe are long gone, as much as the dreaded magnifying glass to state your purpose.  If you still have those graphics on your website, they are not attracting you new clients.  You have a very sophisticated, marketing savvy audience, and they would rather see images that help tell your story or better visualize the services you offer.

We offer services to help you build a brand that will reflect the quality of services you offer, your experience, and define who you work best with.  New customers are evaluating you, and that is based on a first impression.  If the impression doesn’t work for them, or draw them to learn more, you just missed an opportunity to earn new business.  We can help!

Marketing Platform

Client Conversion

We have a very strong marketing strategy that will enable us to add more valuable services.  As our member base grows, we will implement many new options and features already in the works.  It’s important to us that your membership with us is useful, and working together to assist you in growing your client base.  We will work together finding the resources and connections you need to take your business to the next level.